

Together with Mridula Duggal and Gabriela Stockler, I founded the student initiative Econisers. We aim to provide graduate students in Barcelona (BSE, UAB and UB) a community which would allow us to navigate and make the most of our journey as PhD students. We like to do so by providing access to resources to foster professional and personal development (research practices, mentoring and mental health*).

If you would like to join or know more, feel free to send an email to: econisers.idea@gmail.com!


80,000 hours podcast

I highly recommend the 80,000 hours podcast. Fun interviews with different angles on the world's most pressing problems and how to use your career to solve them.

Export Stata regression tables

A wonderful exhaustive list on how to get neat Stata output for regressions and summary statistics with the esttab/estout command.

*Disclaimer: We are not mental health (MH) professionals and therefore are not equipped to deal with individual aspects of mental health. We hope to be able to provide tricks/tips that can help you keep going. However, we definitely encourage you to see a MH professional if you are struggling and need help.